Laura P. Eshelman
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Lunes Santo

Silence comes over the crowd. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of chains dragging against the cobbled streets. Soon, hooded figures dressed in black come around the corner. They carry crosses on their backs. Many are barefooted and wear chains around each ankle. As they walk, they drag the chains along behind them.

Soon, men bound with ropes come around the corner. Their arms are bound to a wooden rod and their back and stomach are wrapped in ropes. These are the Empalados.

Behind them are members of the Red Cross, serving as support. They massage circulation back in their hands using rubbing alcohol to stimulate blood flow.

The cofradia on this Holy Monday is la Hermandad de Penitentes del Santísimo Cristo de la Veracruz.

Women holding candles follow the crosses and the empalados. They signify that Jesus is coming. Around the corner comes the float of a crucified Jesus.

The procession ends with a circle near San Miguel. Those carrying crosses gather around in an outer circle.

Then the empalados are guided into an inner circle. When the float of the crucified Jesus comes in the middle, the empalados kneel, the viewers clap and the procession is over.

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