Laura P. Eshelman
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Medieval Festival in Cáceres

Okay, so it wasn’t the Renaissance Festivals that I’m used to in the states, but the Medieval festival in Cáceres was very authentic and fun. We passed through quickly in the day, and I ventured out to see more at night. There were many different types of performers: jugglers, musicians, vendors were in character and appropriate dress.

The difference between this festival and the Renn fests, was this festival got extremely busy at night. The booths filled with all types of people browsing, stopping for food or drink, and enjoying what the festival had to offer. My favorite event was the impromptu sword fight and light show. We caught it because a crowd started to gather where we were eating and I made sure to check out where everyone was looking. On the subject of food, I tried (unfried) octopus for the first time. The consistency leaves a bit to be desired, but it was still good. More than anything, I was proud of myself for trying it.

Cáceres was a great city for a Medieval fest. It has authentic, legitimately ancient stuff. Not like the buildings that go up in a day for the Renn fest and are torn down after. The old town has its ancient walls in tact making it a great scene for a Medieval festival. It is a UNESCO World Heritage City. There is a university in Cáceres, which is evident in the amount of young people walking around at night. Reminded me of Lawrence quite a bit. Need to return for sure.

authentic music

live birds of prey

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