Ancient Spanish ruins
November 9, 2010
I am game for any excursion. If a teacher says, “we are going do _______ ,” I say yes, I’m in. I signed up for an excursion to go to explore some caves on the white board in the teachers …
November 8, 2010
Plaza de España “Sevilla doesn’t have ambiance, it is ambiance.” – James Michener. I found this quote in my Rick Steves’ guidebook to Spain. Of course, Sevilla is on one of my lists I always make for my travels. My …
Halloween in Lisboa
November 2, 2010
La Plaza del Rossio Sometimes I experience a very strange feeling: I’m in an interesting European city seeing structures and things made famous by time and movies and guidebooks and my mind wanders. Sometimes I wonder what it would like …
Lazy weekend
October 26, 2010
Free time? Seriously? I get home at 2:30 p.m. I need some private classes, or the free time will be so daunting. Time moves so slowly here, especially on the weekends. Last Saturday was so lazy. Sometimes I feel guilty …
First experience teaching
October 24, 2010
What is my favorite movie? What is my favorite actor? What is grunge music? Why am I here? While these seem like very basic questions, I contemplate the answers so the kids will understand. At the deeper level, I really …
Paseo en Jerez
October 23, 2010
Jerez is beautiful and I have yet to explore all the cool nooks. With a population of about 10,000 I won’t be able to meet everyone, but I will have a chance to find all of the interesting places. Without …
Oh, the lessons ….
October 19, 2010
A busy Sunday in La Plaza Grande in Zafra Lesson learned this past weekend: The buses between small cities are terrible. Another lesson: Don’t stress so much. It’s Spain. This could be my entire post because that’s really how adamant …
First long weekend
October 16, 2010
Spain celebrates a lot of holidays. This past Tuesday was Dia de la Hispanidad: a day celebrating Columbus’ exploration of America, which is ironic because the students in America don’t get the day off. Hardly seems fair, but I’m not …
Sampling at CostCo has nothing on Spain
October 12, 2010
When I interned in London, I experienced the culture in pints with my coworkers after work. Here, it’s tapas at the bar. I must say, I like the tapas tradition better. Order a drink, get a tapa. Order another drink, …
Fooling around
October 11, 2010
I make a fool out of myself every day. I try to say something in Spanish and it comes out jumbled and crazy. Or I have a thought I want to convey and realize after I’ve started talking I have …