Meet you at Oasis
February 1, 2011
In the morning, Jerez locals gather around the bar in Oasis for coffee and toast. In the afternoon, workers come for bocadillos and cañas, and later families come in to have their dinner on the white tablecloths in the restaurant. …
Fighting the green giant
January 28, 2011
Just around the corner from the large grocery store Mercadona, Frumarlu Satur stands identifiable by the green awning and the sign with cartoon fruit. Inside, a rainbow of vegetables and fruits line a side and back of the tiny storefront. …
Kapi — a family affair
January 26, 2011
The warm glow of Kapi invites visitors to take a break from the cold for a caña or a café. Order a drink and a tapa will come as well as a conversation — either with those who have taken …
Faces of Jerez
January 24, 2011
Antonio Silva tends to his horses on the outskirts of Jerez de los Caballeros. Silva owns seven horses and is expecting the birth of another one in May. Every day after siesta, Silva comes to the field to feed and …
Staying in Jerez
January 22, 2011
Winter in Jerez means thick fog I met the mummy of Jerez de los Caballeros. One of the two mummies who live here. We found the door to San Bartolome open. Normally the church at the top of the hill …
Parkour in the parque
January 18, 2011
Today I took a walk in the park armed with my camera. I have often been in situations where I wish I had had it, including a recent dinner party with a traditional ceremony called Queimada. The ceremony comes from …
A whirlwind adventure on the carretera of Spain
January 8, 2011
I got the best Christmas present! A kindle. Thanks mom. I jest. In actuality, the best gift was Parker coming to visit. He got in on the 27th and stayed until today. We had such a wonderful adventure together that …
Merry Christmas from Europe
December 25, 2010
This was quite the unconventional Christmas. Last Christmas morning I was snowshoeing with my brother in Seattle. This Christmas morning I was baking banana bread with my cousin in London. She was staying with her grandmother before a trip to …
Bro/sis adventures
December 20, 2010
It is a miraculous thing to be able to meet my brother in another country. Last year we did a trip into Canada for a couple of days around Christmas, but this year was much more unique. I took the …
Three countries this month ….
December 13, 2010
Teachers’ lounge in Oliva Music fills the teacher’s lounge during our recess. A few teachers bring their guitars with them to class so they can jam out during one of the 20-minute breaks we have in our day. I like …