Lunes Santo
April 19, 2011
Silence comes over the crowd. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of chains dragging against the cobbled streets. Soon, hooded figures dressed in black come around the corner. They carry crosses on their backs. Many are …
Domingo de Ramos
April 18, 2011
Semana Santa is here in Jerez de los Caballeros. I hope to do a post each day with pictures. It really is quite amazing. Staying here for the week enables me to see each part of Semana Santa. How unique. …
Preparing for Semana Santa
April 15, 2011
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno Cofradia Habla español? Escucha a los voces y la musica del reunión de las bandas: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. …
More of your questions
April 10, 2011
Hi Auxiliares! I answered some of your questions and have gotten more. Keep them coming! In the Templar fortress of Jerez de los Caballeros (where the Templar spirit remains) If I don’t accept this placement, will they give me a …
Welcome to the Auxiliares de Conversación program
April 4, 2011
Hi new Auxiliares. I have been getting a lot of messages and emails asking what it’s like to teach in Extremadura. What a wonderful opportunity you have and an adventure you are about to embark on! It’s hard because they …
Part 3: This time for Africa
April 3, 2011
We stayed in Tarifa so we could go to Tangier, Morocco by ferry the next morning. From Tarifa we took the fast ferry to the port of Tangier. As we were waiting to get off the boat, Said (our private …
Mamacita en Espana (part two): Granada y Gibraltar
March 31, 2011
From Valencia to Granada… After the five hour drive and some gas station oranges, we arrived in Granada and explored. We hit up some of the same places I went when I visited in January including a tapa place on …
Mamacita en España (Part 1): fire and bullfight in Valencia
March 28, 2011
I have kept close to Jerez de los Caballeros for the past couple of months, and that’s been great. I’ve met a ton of people, had really fun weekend adventures and felt like a part of the town. However, when …
Circus comes to town
March 17, 2011
If I see a poster for an event, I make every effort to attend. This week I saw posters for the circus (circo in Spanish) and my roommate and I agreed that we must take advantage of this opportunity. I …
March 16, 2011
There are many Cofradias, or Catholic brotherhoods, in Jerez. Each church has at least one confraternity that promotes the work of the association and the church. The Nuestro Padre Jesus brotherhood is a Cofradia of the Santa Maria church. On …